Top 10 online games | PUBG | CSGO | 10Tips

With the advent of competitive online games, the concept of Esports started taking shape. Esports is a kind of competition that includes games. Even though a lot of people consider playing games to be just a recreational activity and a waste of time, a lot of people have taken up gaming as their profession and are earning in millions. Not only these competitions, but a lot of people make their living just by streaming these online games while playing them. Streamers like Shroud, ChocoTaco and a lot of other such streamers get donation just by playing and showcasing their gameplays. It is a dream job for a lot of people.

Here is the top 10 list of games that are played competitively at the global level.


Counter-Strike Global Offensive (CSGO)

One of the best online competitive fps games | Top 10 online games | 10 Tips

This franchise became famous due to its predecessor Counter-Strike 1.6. Upon the release of Global Offensive, players got the opportunity to play their favourite game having better graphics. This lead to the game being famous overnight and paved the way for a lot of different esports games. Players KennyS, s1mple, coldzera have greatly affected the fame of this game with their unique style of play. With the prize pool of over 14.7M $, CSGO is one of the leading games in the community of Esports.


PUBG (One of the most famous online games)

One of the most famous online games having the battle royale mode | | Top 10 online games | 10 Tips

With the game mode of battle royale getting famous day by day, pubg is one of the most played games. After releasing their PC version, Epic Games decided to release it’s mobile version. This caused the number of players playing the game bloom within a matter of days. Not only for PC players, but PUBG tournaments are held for even the mobile players. From college level to international level, players from all across the world compete with each other to claim the title of being the best player.


Rainbow Six Siege

One of the most highly rated online games | | Top 10 online games | 10 Tips

Released in the year 2015, this game has a lot of different operators, each having their own unique abilities which greatly affects the gameplay and how each round works. Each season, two new operators and one new map is added to the roster. At the competitive level, to compete in the ProLeague, a team has to win the challenger league. With the prize pool of 2.16M $ this is one of the hottest games of recent times. Negativ- eSports is one of the upcoming teams in this franchise. 


Dota 2 ( One Of The Most Famous 5 vs 5 online games)

Famous free to play strategy game | Top 10 online games | 10 Tips

Rated to be one of the best strategy games DOTA 2 is a highly complex MOBA game with unique 117 characters having their own abilities. Steam ranks this game at number one under the category of “Most Played Games”. Having the prize pool of 8.37M $, DOTA 2 is a fan favourite for a lot of gamers. Being free of cost and highly optimised, even people without a gaming PC can play this game. Being one of the online games that people can play with their mates, it is highly popular.


Fortnite ( One Of The Most Competitive Online games)

One of the most famous online games featuring the ability to build structures | Top 10 online games | 10 Tips

Developed by epic games, Fortnite along with PubG is what made the game mode of battle royale famous. With the ability to build a lot of different structures and a cartoon-like visual, Fortnite attracted a great number of players, mostly teenagers. Being free of cost, Fortnite initially had a bigger fan base than PubG, until the latter’s mobile version. 


Apex Legends

Highly rated online game featuring amazing graphics | Top 10 online games | 10 Tips

Another Battle Royale game in the list, Apex Legends is a game which included a lot of different futuristic weapons and vehicles and is considered to be one of the best online games. Developed by Respawn Entertainment, Apex Legends is a free to play games and is gaining fame rapidly. This game features various heroes with their unique ability, hence the need to strategise the gameplay is largely prevalent.


Call of Duty

Among all the other online games, call of duty holds a special place among the gamers | Top 10 online games | 10 Tips

One of the oldest and highly rated franchises, Call of Duty has made itself a brand. Having released numerous titles like Call of Duty Modern Warfare series, Call of Duty: Black Ops series, it has a huge fan base that expands across a lot of different countries. Having one of the most interesting multiplayer experience, call of duty provides its players with different in-game abilities like calling in airstrikes, call a friendly chopper for support and supply crates containing different items. From deathmatch to domination, Call of Duty provides its players with wholesome gaming experience.


Rocket League

A football game featuring cars | Top 10 online games | 10 Tips

Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. People love playing football either on the consoles and computers or in the ground. However, the idea of cars playing football is what made the game extremely interesting. With players competing against each in the global level, Rocket League is one of the most fun to play online games. 



Football at its best | Top 10 online games | 10 Tips

One of the most famous games, FIFA is played by 50 million people worldwide. Starting from FIFA 94, released in the year 1993, the gameplay of the game has changed drastically over the years. Its latest edition, FIFA 20 is played by both casual gamers and professional gamers. At the end of the day, no friend’s hangout is complete without a game of FIFA. 


League of Legends

Rated highly among a lot of different online games | Top 10 online games | 10 Tips

Published by Riot Games, League of Legends is one of the most played online games. The game includes various characters having different roles such as top, jungle, mid, support, bot and lane. Teams develop various strategies and use them to outclass their opponents. League of Legends has a prize pool of 3.9M $.


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2 thoughts on “Top 10 online games | PUBG | CSGO | 10Tips

  1. You just mention all games are really awesome and my most favorite game is Dota and PUBG you mention all games it’s just fabulous. keep posting this type of new game and unique game.

    1. Glad you liked it… We are open to your suggestions. Keep liking our blogs and keep interacting with us. Do tell us if you have any suggestions.

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