Do you know what your pet’s sleeping style says? | 10Tips

When you see our dog or cat the first thing in the morning after you wake up, it is bound to make a big smile appear on your face and make your day start on a high note. Pets help us in relieving stress and tension when we play with them, or better yet when they cuddle up next to us when we sleep.

While we may not be paying much attention to them, they have something to say to you when they sleep. Every pet sleeps in a different way compared to each other. Therefore, each has its own unique sleeping style, whether that includes cuddling up to you or sleeping between your legs.

In this article, the ten sleeping styles of your pets have been revealed to you so that you can exactly know how they feel when they sleep with you.

The Faithful Pets

The Faithful Pets
Image: The Faithful Pets | Source:

Dogs are considered to be the most faithful creatures in this world. They will always stay at the side of their human master and wait for you near the doorstep when you are outside home. Your dog or cat is said to be sleeping in this style if they take a nap near your feet. However, just like a two-sided coin, this does not always signify that they are faithful. Dogs and cats sleep in this style because you might be a restless sleeper. Your pets will be better off being close to an escape route if things get uncomfortable.

The Knee Nuzzle

The Knee Nuzzle
Image: The Knee Nuzzle | Source:

Your pet might try to sleep near your legs between the bend of your knees.  This is more common if you are prone to sleeping in a foetal position. Pets, especially cats tend to sleep in this position when they prefer to be in a place of warmth and comfort. The bend in your legs creates an artificial ‘womb’, which kittens and pups prefer. This is because they get a sense of protection in that place, as they are enclosed from all sides.

The Donut Divider

The Donut Divider
Image: The Donut Divider | Source:

A doughnut divider is said to be a pet who sleeps between your two legs, curling up like a ball. This is more commonly found in cats, as they can easily roll up into a ball. Cats prefer the sense of protection between your legs. They also get cosy to the heat generated between your legs and find comfort in the smell of their master. They also sleep in this pose because they like the slight compression of your legs, and be safe from hearing you snoring loudly or talking in your sleep.

The Wall

The Wall
Image: The Wall | Source:

This is more common when two people sleep in the same bed, especially if you sleep with your partner. Most commonly seen among dogs, they will try to sleep between you and your partner, creating a wall in between. Dogs are one of the most loyal animals on this planet, and they prefer to be loved by their human master at all times. Therefore, they will sleep between you and your partner, ensuring that your mutt is your ‘number one’.

The Pillow Bandit

The Pillow Bandit
Image: The Pillow Bandit | Source:

As the name suggests, pillow bandits tend to take dominance over an entire pillow, which often might be yours. Common among cats and small dogs, these furry bandits prefer to hear you breathing. Cats also prefer to do so as they like the softness of the pillow compared to the bed. Also, they prefer to give you early morning licks and meows to get you out of bed. You might not see your pet doing this pose of you snore a lot and disturb their sleep.

The UnderCover Lover

The UnderCover Lover
Image:The UnderCover Lover | Source:

This cute pose is adopted by dogs, more commonly by the bigger ones. You might see your dog be under the blanket, often leaving just their tails hanging out from under it, wagging in joy. Dogs prefer to get under the blanket, in their dark hideout with their master close by. Dogs also prefer the warmth of your body, and your scent, which makes them feel secure.

The Cuddle Bug

Cuddling pet

Pups and kittens prefer to sleep in this position, cuddled between your arms. Their young age makes them seek the comfort and security of their master’s, like a baby. They will often want to feel your heartbeat and also gain your trust. Strategies are also thought-over in advance by your pet, as they can easily change their position if you are a restless sleeper.

The Sneaky Pets


If your pet thinks that you are the love of their life (which most do), then they will try to sneak towards your head and lie down close to you. Generally common among cats, your pet might show signs of dependency and consider themselves inseparable from their owner.

The Superhero Pets

The Superhero Pets

If you see your dog lying down on the bed over their tummies, then consider them to be your superhero. Common among dogs and more so if you sleep with your partner, they will act as your personal guardian.  They will tend to look over you while you sleep. This position becomes more common if there is a baby in the house and is especially in bed with you.

The Octopus Pets

Dog sleeping on bed

Some pets prefer to live in luxury and comfort at all times. This is where the octopus comes in. Your dog will often try to take over all the space on your bed, sleeping in unnaturally funny but cute positions. Your pet has no guilt whatsoever to steal your space and often enjoys doing so just to get your attention.

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