10 Home Remedy For Acne: Alternatives of Artificial No Mark Cream

Are you a teenager? Has puberty become a devil’s reincarnate for you on your skin? How, you ask? Of course by blocking the hair follicles on your face with oil or dead skin cells. This common and otherwise described by most teens as “hellish” and a “destroyer of self-image” skin condition is referred to as acne. For a teenager, acne meaning is sleepless nights and cancelled dates. 85% of all people from teens to adults experience the problem of acne. However, it is still dreaded by our generation of social teens and young adults. Makeup may help cover acne but is certainly not a remedy. Every teen is always desperately looking for that home remedy for acne or the ‘no marks cream‘.

So, what do we do? We listen to 10Tips for it is offering us some instant home remedies for acne that will help achieve that flawless skin that we all aspire to have:

Apple Cider Vinegar (home remedy for acne):

apple cider vinegar in a glass. face pack for pimples

It is common knowledge that the acid quality possessed by vinegar helps in the process of eradicating all kinds of germs, bacterias and harmful viruses. Apple Cider Vinegar is one of our home remedies that we are mentioning here today for it is an organic acid which is known to help in removing acne. The science behind this is that succinic acid is known for reducing inflammation allowing the prevention of scars. It is a genuine replacement for artificial any anti acne cream available in the market.

Cinnamon and Honey Mask:

cinnamon and honey. face pack for pimples 2

Another excellent way of removing acne at home is by applying products rich in antioxidants such as cinnamon and honey. Various studies prove that a cinnamon and honey mask is more effective in removing any signs of acne than retinoids or benzoyl peroxide. It is one of the best acne face pack at home. If you are out of honey or cinnamon then you can also use other items available at home to prepare your mask. With 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, this mask may be your ultimate lifesaver. Apply for 10 to 15 minutes thrice a week. It surely is a face pack for acne that you can make easily at home.

Zinc Supplements as an instant home remedy for acne:

zinc tablet. acne meaning
[image source: myhairdoctor,com]

You may be unaware but zinc is an essential nutrient that your body requires to put a plug on quite of a few unwanted actions. It helps in processes such as cell growth, metabolism, immune function and hormone production. There has been a study that proves that taking zinc supplements may be effective in reducing signs of acne. Do not try applying it to your face for it will not be absorbed by your skin. Instead, go for orally intaking the supplements to help fight acne. This instant home remedy for acne is the solution you need to prevent acne in the long run. It is a surefire pimple remover.

Tea Tree Oil:

tee tree oil. acne 2

Prepare yourself with a swab and a few spoons of tea tree oil to do an instant treatment on the acne that lay on your skin. It is an essential oil that is known for assisting in fighting bacteria and reducing skin inflammation. It is said that using this procedure for three months straight will help you in getting rid of inflammation caused by acne without any scars. With 1 part tea tree oil and 9 parts water, apply the mix with a swab on inflamed areas 1-2 times a day.

Bring on the sorcery with witch hazel:

Witch hazel bark on a wooden spoon. anti acne cream
[image source: thelist.com]

The barks and leaves of the North American witch hazel shrub are known for assisting in creating this extract. It’s an instant home remedy that is known for being useful in treating a number of skin conditions ranging from insect bites to acne. Although no study shows that witch hazel helps fight acne, however, the extract is known for reducing inflammation and killing bacteria. Add 1 tablespoon of witch hazel bark to a saucepan with water. Soak it for 30 minutes and then boil. After which, simply put it on simmer and let it stay for another 10 minutes. Now, take it down from the stove and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Strain your liquid into a sealed container and apply 1-2 times a day to see results. This is as good as any pimples cream one can use.

Green Tea:

green tea in a glass. home remedy for acne 3

Another antioxidant that you can apply if you wish to get rid of any signs of acne entirely from your life then go for Green Tea. There are studies that prove that applying green tea on acne has appeared to help fight it. For applying all you need to do is prepare the green tea as we normally do, and then set it down to cool. Now with a cotton ball or by pouring it into a spray bottle we apply it to our skin. Once it dries, wash it off and pat your face dry. You can easily call it the best homemade face pack for pimples.

Aloe Vera:

aloe vera leaves and gel. face pack at home
[image source: healthshots.com]

If skincare has become your hobby by now, then you must have heard about the benefits that Aloe Vera boasts. From healing wounds to reducing inflammation, Aloe Vera is a clear gel and your best friend in fight acne. This instant home remedy is known for possessing anti-acne benefits that help in extensively treating the inflammation that has spread across your skin. Simple take an Aloe Vera leaf and scoop out the gel from within. Apply it to your clean face and let it stay for about 20 minutes. Wash it off and repeat this entire process once or twice a day. It certainly is the best cream for pimples procured naturally.

Exfoliation (coconut and brown sugar scrub):

brown sugar and coconut scrub. home remedy for acne 5
[image source:thenovicechefblog.com]

As we have mentioned before another reason that acne is your biggest enemy is because of dead skin cells that block your pores. This is why to prevent dead skin cells from causing such an atrocity you can choose to exfoliate regularly. This process is quite simple, all you need to do is take equal parts of brown sugar and coconut oil. Add them to a bowl for mixing and then scrub your skin thoroughly with it. Rinse it off and repeat it every day to see results. It is your easily homemade best acne cream.

Exercise Regularly

woman jogging. home remedy for acne 6

Working out has always been hailed as a panacea for skin-related issues. The more you sweat, the more you get rid of toxins stored in your body. They go out as sweat. Also, it helps improve blood circulation, thus giving your skin much-needed oxygen. This makes your skin healthier and shinier. If nothing else, you can surely take out 15 minutes daily to stretch your legs, and go for a short jog around your block. Bye-bye acne!

Say no to dairy!

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Sometimes people may develop acne due to the consumption of milk and other dairy products. These food items tend to entice our hormones resulting in breakouts. Although this restriction still requires more research to back it but still what is the harm in prevention, isn’t it?

So wait no longer, use your time in quarantine to apply these simple yet amazing instant home remedies on yourself to see results. Gone are the days about discussions about the best cream to remove pimple marks fast to using turmeric for acne to debating about the best acne scar removal cream in India.

We hope you had a good read regarding these homemade remedies as replacements for a pimple removal cream that you may buy from the market. Even the best acne scar removal cream can’t compete with some of the suggestions mentioned above. Call it a great acne cream or call it a homemade face pack, these are your sure-shot solutions. Why buy a cream for pimples when a simple solution is readily available at home, right?

We also suggest you take a look at the amazing artificial jewellery collection of Earhnique Collection. You could also read about the nutritious recipes made without Maida (white flour).

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