What are You Doing on the New Year Eve? | 10 Tips

The whole month of December is spent secretly thinking and planning the best ways to end the ongoing year and welcoming the next one. Parties, pubs, new year fun and festivities, new year resolutions only to be broken within the first week- yes we have been through them all. But what’s the harm in planning another year-end bash? 


Depending upon the budget, there are a variety of activities you can indulge in for a memorable time and experience. Here are a select few:


Plan a Short Trip on New Year Eve

New Years eve plans | 10 Tips

After all the nitty-gritty and tiresome experiences you underwent through the year- a short trip is a perfect choice to rejuvenate both your mind and body. Plan a trip depending upon the budget, number of persons in your gang and go out and explore. Be wary of the weather conditions of your destination and you will be all set. Away from the daily city hustle-bustle and in the lap of mother nature – probably nestled between hills and fountains.


Plan a Get-Together

Things to do in New Years eve | 10 Tips

What’s a new year celebration without friends and/or family? Hosting a get-together might seem cumbersome and troubling, but nothing beats a collective countdown to the new year with your friends and family. You may plan a barbecue steak party. Have a little kitty party with your girl gang. Sway to the beats of those dance hits you kept stacked all year long. Just be aware that the cops may join you- in case it might get too loud. 


Enjoy a Picnic

New Years Eve Plan 2020 | 10 Tips

A picnic is a great way to meet up with the neighbourhood, travel together, have fun, play games, cook and eat collectively. It strengthens the bond of friendship and sense of being one community. Finding a great spot is of foremost importance. Select the proper means of transport depending upon the number of members in your team- it never hurts to have extra space. The fun point of a picnic is that members from all age groups can participate. Thus, you do not have to worry about keeping your kids or pets at home.


Take Off for a Long Drive

New Years Plan | 10 Tips

Nothing satisfies a rider more than a long trip on their ride- gazing past cities and villages in a blur. The feeling of wind rushing to the face while trees and villages pass by like a still for the scenery. Taking halts in between for food and rest- the long drive is a perfect option to bring out the wanderlust in you. There are famous riding/driving routes in India such as Leh-Ladakh, Nathula Pass, etc. One needs to do a little bit of research related to the path of the journey.


Work for a Cause: Visit an Orphanage/ Old Age Home

things to do this new year | 10 Tips

Every person remains in a celebratory mood at the yearend. It also brings a great amount of peace and joy if working for the poor and/or the needy section of the society who are neglected by most. Visit an old age home or an orphanage. The smiles on the faces of the elderly persons or innocent children are incomparable. Maybe bring good food and clothes for the destitute in the winter. If you think you’ll be missing the company of your friends, why not invite them too?


Hog the Limelight: Party Through the Night on New Year Eve

Things to do this new Year | 10 Tips

The year-end sees several party organizers host lavish parties to commemorate the end of the current year and celebrate the new. Dress lavishly in the best funky items of clothing with obnoxiously humongous pieces of junk jewellery- go bold, go loud. You may gather up your entire gang and parade through the party as the Legion of Awesome. If you are looking for a fun quirky night with your special someone- try lounge parties.


Go to the Multiplexes for Year-End Blockbuster Movies

Things to do this new year | 10 Tips

The year-end sees the release of highly anticipated movies. Book your favourite seats at the multiplex of your choice. Load yourself up with popcorns and cold drinks, grab the comfy cushions and 3D glasses. The 2019 December calendar has several Indian movies including some sequels scheduled for release. Some of them include Commando 3, Panipat, Mardaani 2, Venky Mama, Professor Shonku, Mamangam, Sagardeep e Jawkher Dhon, Ghare Baire Aj. There are also Hollywood releases like Jumanji: The Next Level, Frozen 2, Knives Out, and Hotel Mumbai lined up for December.


Attend Concerts on New Year Eve

things to do this New Year | 10 Tips

The year-end sees several high profile gigs and concerts happening. Attend one and get lost in the crazed energy of a live show. Bands spend days perfecting and honing their craft all for a single show. Check out the local schedule and who knows, you might get to watch your favourite international act performing live in your city or somewhere nearby. There are also several EDM festivals that take place on sea beaches during this time of the year. For example Sunburn in Goa.


Relax and Stay at Home

Things to do this new year

If you are working strenuously for too long- taking a day or two off during the year-end. It might just be the perfect well-deserved break that you need. Relax and learn to pamper yourself. Go for a nice refreshing spa session. Having a few cheat days at the end of the year won’t affect your weight much. Order food online. Stay in bed all day long. Be the optimal level of lazy. A few days in this mode can fully rejuvenate your batteries. You can then start the new year by working at the fullest extent of your capabilities.


Go to the Zoo, Circus or Some Themed Entertainment Parks

things to do this new years eve | 10 Tips

Especially for young parents- taking your family for a fun-filled trip to the zoo or the circus might be a great idea. The big beasts of prey are sure to keep the little kids captivated. A zoo-trip can bring out the love for nature and wildlife in the children. There is a huge difference in watching something on television or computer screens and watching them live altogether. You can also seek out thrills and adventure in the various rides and the themed entertainment parks, or watch dangerous stunt feats performed by the daredevils at the circus.

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