10 Ways To Cope With Lockdown In India

A rush of negative thoughts, a stream of anxiety and a wave of fear, these words sum up the kind of emotions that you might be feeling at the moment. With the constant updates about the COVID-19 situation flooding our thoughts and social media feeds, keeping a healthy mind had become a difficult task. The deprivation from going outside is also messing with us, causing a sense of frustration to overpower our everyday mood. These negative thoughts are something that can truly destroy us during this lockdown period. This is why, to help you keep your sanity intact, we have come up with a few ways that will make coping up the Lockdown blues much easier.

Take a breather:

Get lazy during the lock down in india
Source: inventorousdigest.com

Just like how travelling to areas with a huge crowd is a big no-no during this Coronavirus situation. So, is staying away from ominous thoughts. Isolation is messing with all of us, and the constant updates by news channels aren’t helping either. This is causing many of us to enter a state of panic, and suffering from widespread anxiety. So, what do you do? Well simply calm down. Take long deep breathes and practise breathing exercises anytime you feel like some sort of fear is overruling your thoughts. 

Chat it out:

Talk to your friends during lock down in india
Source: macworld.co.uk

Adhering to the lockdown norms is necessary, however, that may be making socializing a lot more difficult than one may presume it to be. With interactions cut off, many of us may be overcome by a feeling of loneliness. But, is it always necessary to meet with a person to engage in some friendly conversation, I mean, aren’t they just one call away? So, why not this time instead of meeting up you choose to share a few smiles and long conversations with your friends and loved over one long video call. 


Make a day planner while at home
Source: medium.com

Lockdown doesn’t mean simply lying on your bed and getting up as you please, for it will mess with your overall body clock. This will later affect you, for when lockdown opens you will become too used to the laziness and fail and completing any task on time. So, I would suggest, make a routine for all your daily work. From waking up, to breakfast, along with any other work or household chores you may have in a day. How would that help you ask? Well, it will keep you on your toes, keeping your mind engaged in a healthy activity. 

Suggestion: Try incorporating time for engaging in something creative in between your daily tasks. Trust me the few moments of creativity will truly help relax your mind and rid it of any negativity. 

 Ask a question:

Self realization while lockdown
Source: lifehack.org

Am I ok? Do I think too much? What am I suppose to do? These thoughts that flood your head are not meant to be blocked. Instead, try to find a solution for them. The human mind is trained to always find a solution for problems that arise. Suppressing the mind from focusing on the solution may also become a channel for negative thoughts. So, I would suggest to study your thoughts and find a solution for your ever-growing questions.  

Drop a filter:

Trusted News in india
Source: socialstimultor.com

From sensational to facts, the media is responsible for relaying important information to you. However, with the TRP rating overruling Television content, the media is always in search of sensational news instead of facts. Causing more of a panic than a proper fact check and misunderstanding among viewers. I would suggest referring to a more reliable source, which can help you to sort out your thoughts and filter out the negativity. 


Meditate and concentrate during lockdown
Source: meditativemind.org

This suggestion may sound useless but trust me when I say nothing works better than meditation then I mean it. Meditation is a technique that is proven to allow our mind to enter into a sense of serenity. It helps in bringing our breathing under control and focus more on eliminating the sources of stress. Achieving a few moments of peace and solitude, far from the outside chaos is only possible by focusing all your negative energy out of your body with the help of meditation. 

Engage your creative side:

Focus more on craft during lockdown in india
Source: hapinessishomemade.net

I believe every human has a creative side. Their creativity may be expressed in ways very different to others. Not everyone is an award-winning, awe-aspiring artist. Some just like to sit in their homes and engage in different types of art to calm the mind. So, bring out your inner creativity and engage in activities that help you channel your creative side, helping you cope with the lockdown blues. 

Horror Movie Night:

Watch horror movies
Source: liveabout.com

Fear may seem like the last thing one may choose to cope with lockdown blues. As weird as it may sound, but momentary fear from watching horror movies allow us to forget about the panic that is going on outside. If horror movies are not your thing then you can also go for thriller or mystery based movies. 

Soft Music: 

Soft songs  to keep your mind calm

It has been said quite a few times, that playing soft music not only helps calm your mind but also fills you with a sense of peace. To escape the harsh reality and battle against coronavirus going on outside we would like for you to put on your headphones and play soft tunes. Anything from instrumental to soft music will help you cope with the lockdown blues. 

Don’t be Afraid!

hand sanitizer
Source: cnn.com

My final suggestion to you all would be stop being afraid. Things are scary, but breaking down is not the option. If you truly want all of this to end, listen to what the government has to say. Stay indoors, don’t go outside unless necessary, cover your face with a mask, wash your hands for 20 seconds and carry a sanitizer. If you are adhering to them all then don’t let your inner chaos control your emotions 

#StayHome #StaySafe

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