10 ways to maintain a healthy romantic relationship

Are you in an unhappy and unhealthy relationship? Are you looking for a way to maintain a peaceful relationship? Do you often think about the signs of a healthy relationship or how to have a healthy relationship? Have you ever thought about what does a healthy relationship looks like?  If these questions are troubling your mind, then you are on the right page. This blog will elaborate on “what is a healthy relationship and how to maintain it.” 

But let’s fits understand why healthy relationships are essential? As per the studies, cordial and happy relationships have less stress, better health, and beautiful life, even when they have scarcity in finance. 

But is it possible to have such a beautiful romantic relationship? Yes, it is! And this blog is designed to help you build relationships that last forever. But let’s first understand where does the problem lie and why do love relationships fall apart? 

What makes couples fall apart? 

Couples going apart

Today, we live in a fast and stressful world; sometimes, small conversations and meaningful discussions tend to create a big fuss in a relationship. Or we don’t have enough time to communicate, and therefore our relationships lose that “spark,” don’t they? 

If you think that you have found the “right one,” but you are still trying to balance your relationship, you must learn how to have a healthy relationship. To have a beautiful and content relationship, one must find true happiness with one partner.  

However, if you have been focussing on “how the other person should be, what should he do, or not do,” then my dear, you are following the wrong steps. Instead, your focus must be around the interplay that you two must-haves.  

It would be best if you try to find the unique characteristics that your relationship has. Also, focus on the things that bring you both together. You can close your eyes and envision how gratified you both make each other. Also, foresee the reasons that can make your relationship extraordinary.  

If you have the answers to these questions, then your relationship boat is sailing in the right direction. But if you cannot answer these simple questions, you need to work on them. Every couple is different, so are their problems, happiness, and their relationships. But if both of you are willing to work on it, these tips will help you no matter where your relationship stands. So, let’s have a look at ten tips to maintain a healthy and romantic relationship.  

Be realistic when it comes to expectations

Be realistic

Since childhood, we dream about a perfect man or woman with whom we will grow old. We sketch an image of our partners in our minds, or we admire someone so much that we want our partner to be like him or her. But always remember, the reality is different than our dreams, desires, and expectations. To be in a happy relationship, you should accept people the way they are. Don’t try to change them. Here are few things that will help you in keeping your relationship real. 

  • Compromise but not beyond your comfort: No relationship is complete without giving and take. If you want a perfect relationship, you both should be able to provide and receive equally. Sometimes one may need to overlook their pleasure for their partner’s happiness. This is a fundamental way of appreciating and understanding your partner. 

However, if itonly you makell the compromises and find yourself in an uncomfortable position, then it is time to talk to your companion. To foster your relationship beautifully, you both are required to reach a middle ground. Both of you need to make certain compromises at the individual level. Only then your romantic relationship will nurture exquisitely.  

  • No one is perfect: Another essential thing to keep your relationship and expectations realistic is to understand that no one in this world is perfect. You might have envisioned all your life about an ideal romantic relationship, a perfect romantic partner who bows his head to all your commands. However, the reality is far from different. 

Humans make mistakes, sometimes we are selfish, sometimes we don’t understand others’ points of view. All these things may happen knowingly or unknowingly. The key in such a situation is to let it go and learn to forgive. If you cannot ignore and keep collecting anger, then your relationship will become a burden. 

  • Make sure to love each other:  Love is much more than liking anyone. It is a decision to honor your partner, understand his feelings, and be committed to each other. You should demonstrate your commitment in words and inactions. It is a critical element that builds the foundation of a healthy relationship.  
  • Understand your partner’s emotions: Sometimes, we try to hide our real emotions. It could be because we are too excited, upset, or scared to share our feelings. Sometimes our yes means no, and no means yes. When people are not within themselves, they want others to show them strength. 

They indirectly indicate their feelings, and you should be sensitive enough to understand them. When you can listen to your partner’s unsaid emotions, assess their body language, then you create an unconditional bond between you two. 

  • Give space: When we are close to someone, we experience warmth and love. However, sometimes this closeness can turn into suffocation. It is human nature that we need both intimacies as well as our space. Often we all feel the need to be entirely alone, and spend some time just with ourselves, or would desorb to take a walk alone. 

Sometimes one desires to spend time with other friends or family members. We, as their partner, should understand and respect this feeling. Couples should not force themselves on others when the other wants to be in his own space. These small breaks will make your bond with each other stronger.  

Communication is the critical factor of a healthy relationship

Conversation for healty relation

If you lack communication or shut it down for whatever reasons, then your relationship is doomed for sure. When you are expressing yourself, be honest, and tell your concerns and your emotions. 

You can communicate directly or indirectly but communicate. It will make your bond and understanding stronger. Communication is not about small talks. To communicate effectively, you need to dig deeper. Here are few simple things you can do to communicate effectively with your partner: 

  • Always hear them carefully: If you want to foster a happy relationship, you must genuinely listen to others’ points of view. Never interrupt when the other person is talking and pay full attention to it. 

 Most importantly, if you will listen to them without judging, they too will reveal themselves more honestly.  Besides, if you both learn to listen to each other, it will make your relationship strong, healthy, and loving.  Consequently, your connection will last forever happily.

  • Express your innermost nature: If you want to create an emotional bond with your partner, you must reveal your innermost and personal nature.  However, most people are scared to do so, as they are afraid of being judged.   

This course of action is called “tell culture.” When you are open about your thoughts or your feelings, which you have, you start a healthy tell culture in your relationship.  For example, if you desire a hug, simply tell them. Likewise, encourage them to do the same.  This simple practice will help you both open to each other.  

You both will come closer to each other and blend like two adorable love birds people hardly see.  Tell culture will make your bond more substantial and more profound and make your romantic relationship last forever. 

  • Ask questions: Often, we sulk within ourselves as we are too scared to ask questions. If you have any feeling of misunderstanding, don’t loath it. Instead, ask them and get clarity. Also, ask them about their feelings, interests, and opinions.  Similarly, encourage them to do the same.   
  • Share information:  You must share the news that may impact your relationship in any way.  But don’t overwhelm them suddenly with too much information. Go slow and never try to hide anything from your partner.
  • Never lose your cool when talking:  Often, communications turn into arguments, don’t let that happen. Whenever you are discussing any essential matter, cool down your emotions and anger.  Think twice before you same something hurtful, as this will make you regret it later. 
  • Make use of “I” carefully: Using I, my, me too many times and too often and be miss understood as ego, especially in a romantic relationship.  “You hardly care about my feelings, or you never want to spend time” with me are some such examples. 

Also, Check the 5 Love Languages you must know about.

How about using the sentences like “we should be more careful about each-others feelings, or we should spend more time together.”  These small changes in communication can bring peace and understanding to a relationship. 

According to research, the couples who use “we” are much more satisfied, calm and happier in their relationships.  According to Dr. Chansky, the word we can change the entire relationship.  When you use “we,” you are in a collaborative mindset, where else when you use “I,” you are standing against each other as rivals. A collaborative attitude is more generous and affectionate.  

  • Be clear and specific in communication: Instead of criticizing and judging others, you should describe their behavior factually.  You should attack the problem and not a person if you want a cordial relationship.  
  • Always focus on the current problem: Remember those fights with your partners when you dig out all the past mistakes and issues in the present discussion? Such conversations become irrelevant, and they build bitter feelings. Hence, stick to the topic, and avoid using a word like “always.” For example, “you always make some mistakes” such statements will ruin your relationship. 
  • Start taking responsibility: taking responsibility is a crucial factor of any relationship.  Always accept your mistake and apologize for it, instead of defending yourself and proving yourself right.  If you go in a defense mode, so will the other person, and this vicious circle will never end.
  • Remember problems cannot be solved easily:  You two are different people, you have different upbringing and personalities.  Your values, beliefs, and habits are also different. A specific thing that is right in your point of view could be wrong for others.  Take, for example, nonveg; your culture allows you to eat nonveg, but your beliefs or culture are against it.  Such habits are deeply rooted, and it is impossible to change them. So, either you two will have to accept such differences or move on. 

Three-day gratitude plan

e day gratutude for healthy relationship

If you have an attitude of gratitude towards each other, your love life will revitalize.   According to researches, the couples who express gratitude feel more loved. They are much more peaceful and amused in their relationship.  They are more caring and responsive towards each other.  Their quality of life and relationship is also much better.  Here is a three days’ gratitude plan recommended by experts: 

  1. On day one, identify your partner’s three most admirable qualities and focus on them for a full day. 
  2. On day two, find out three qualities of your partner that annoys you the most and forgive them. 
  3. On day three, speak kindly with each and show them all the care and love you can. 

These three simple steps will bring more gratitude and love to your relationship, and it will become much more beautiful. 

Be flexible

Be flexible

When you are in a relationship, you might have to adjust to specific changes that you could feel uneasy about. Try to be relaxed about such things.  If you would be stubborn about every small change that comes your way, your life will become problematic. They sometimes draw a line and learn to say no to those things that are totally against their will and nature. 

Look after yourself

Look after yourself for a healthy relationship

Relationships do mean to look after the other’s needs, but it doesn’t mean that you ignore yourself.  In a healthy relationship, there’s room for both people’s needs.  Don’t pretend that if you are not happy, don’t lie about the things you don’t like but don’t be rude either.  Be yourself and communicate your feelings politely. 

Be vulnerable

Be vulnarable

When you are in a relationship, don’t be scared of being vulnerable. Being vulnerable could be scary for most of us, but don’t restrain it too much. If you build trust in your relationship, you would not be afraid of being vulnerable in front of another person. 

Agree to disagree

agree to disagree

 Well, when two different people live together, they may not always agree to everything. A straightforward way to resolve this conflict is to learn to “agree to disagree” this simple practice will save you from many arguments. 

Give respect and take respect

Respect your partner

Like trust, concern is another essential component of a peaceful relationship. Have you ever seen a couple that gets into an argument over all pity things or an abusive relationship, whether physically or verbally? Such relations are toxic. They ruin everyone’s life, which is related to such couples. No relationship can last long if there is no respect for each other. The reference allows you both to build equality in a relationship.

Moreover, it lets you be considerate towards each other. Mutual understanding, care, and concern are vital components that help you attain a peaceful relationship. Here are some simple ways to show respect and gratitude towards your partner: 

  • Always focus on what they are trying to say.
  • Show an interest in their things even if they are less important to you.
  • Please don’t force your point of view; present it to look at things differently.
  • Always ask their opinion on things that concern you both.
  • If the conversation is leading towards an argument, take a break from it then.
  • Never taunt them for their looks or any other weaknesses.
  • Never use hurtful language or abusive words for each other.
  • Don’t pull your partner’s friends and family in your fight.

Trust your partner and earn his trust

Trust your partner

 Always remember, “if there is no trust, then there is no relationship.” If you cannot count on your partner for small or big things, you must either rebuild your trust or move on. Honesty, loyalty, and transparency is the key to the success of any relationship. If you both lie to each other or if you both make excuses not to be with each other, then you are moving in the wrong direction. Such a relationship is meant to fall apart. Here are few simple steps to build trust between you two: 

  • Do not feel suspicious towards each other, and else your relationship will crumble.
  • Never shut down your communication. Else you would lose all the hopes of repairing your relationship.
  • Try not to drift apart, instead create situations to come together.
  • Loneliness can drive you towards others, but it will only make the situation worse.
  • Don’t meet another girl or guy to make your partner jealous; this way, you will not only hurt your partner’s feelings, but you will also suffer in prolonging the pain.
  • Don’t let your feelings of love turn into anger and resentment; always talk it out.
  • Try to get your physical intimacy back instead of being cold towards each other.
  • If there is no hope, there is no belief, and you are losing self-motivation, then it is time to move on. Never pull your relationship like rubber; instead, let it go to the point where you both can smile at each other in the future because it is always better to have a happy ending than a wrong end.

Supporting your partner 

Support your partner

Everyone has specific dreams and desires that are beyond relationships. This dream could be anything career-related or hobby-related. If you love someone truly, no matter how big or unrealistic your partner’s goal is, you should be dedicated to assisting them in accomplishing their goals. Such a heart will always get your relations much ahead in life. 

Moreover, your partner should do the same for you. If by any chance, he is not as dedicated as you are, you need to show him the right direction and encourage him to help you achieve your dreams. To grow in a relationship, you both must stand by each other at all odds. You can do the following things to lend your support to your lover: 

  • Provide emotional support and hear them out when they are upset.
  • Give them compliments.
  • Give them physical support when they need it. For example, help them with house chores.
  • Praise them for their achievements and dedication.
  • Be with them physically in the critical moments of their life.
  • Find the ways to get involved with them and find out the things in your partner that interests you. 
  • Keep a balance in your indoor and outdoor life. Remember that others in your life will never be able to support you in the way your partner can. So never compare him or her with others. 

 To conclude, we can say relationships can be fulfilling if you follow these simple yet effective measures.  These steps will make you a better person and build a stronger bond between you and your partner.  Your romantic relationship can become peaceful and healthy with the help of these tips. Healthy relationships can keep getting better if you learn to make small adjustments and compromise a little. So, to strengthen your relationship and bond with your lover, make sure that you put these tips into action now. 

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