10 Tips To Take Care Of Animals | Animal Safety | 10 Tips

Amidst all the festivities, we often get so engrossed in our own fun that we end up ignoring the well-being of the animals around us. And it just gets worst during Diwali. What we’re forgetting is that the animals have a stronger hearing range than humans as their acoustic perception of the world differs from us. During Diwali, the noise shoots up in the air and making the animals around us uncomfortable. Pets become distressed and the strays get frantic.

10 Tips To Take Care Of Animals | Animal Safety | 10 Tips


Birds are also severely affected during Diwali. Apart from accidents from air crackers, the pollution causes the birds to get infected from harmful diseases. What humans might call ‘festive’ and ‘fun’ is terrifying and traumatizing for them. Dogs are sensitive to vibrations and have a sensitive nose as well. Thus, they are even more vulnerable. That is why it is our responsibility as superior beings to take care of Animal Safety.

For the strays on the streets, it is not a blast for them during Diwali. Just like pets, it is traumatizing for the strays. They are subject to atrocities by the kids and youngsters. They get grievously injured.

Keep the animals hydrated

Keep the animals hydrated

The noise and the lights from the firecrackers are traumatizing for animals as they are extremely sensitive to them. This causes dehydration due to an increase in salivation from stress. You can keep some bowls of water outside and inside your home. This will help the passing animals to be hydrated as well as your pets. You will help them calm their this way. Their aggressive behaviour, if any, will also be calmed by keeping them hydrated.
The pollution during Diwali also hampers birds. So, place water bowls in your balconies to help birds.

Clean the leftovers of crackers

Clean the leftovers of fire crackers


It is the tendency of stray animals to chew the leftover items on roads. The streets are littered with the firecrackers leftovers post-Diwali. Crackers contain a lot of toxic materials and metals. When consumed, it can lead to poisoning Thus, hampering Animal Safety. It can even cause fatal injuries to animals. Your pets can consume the leftovers if they are littered in and around your home. Animals can even step over the burnt crackers which would damage their paws. So, make sure to dispose of the crackers safely and properly so that the streets are not littered the day after.

Burst the crackers at a centralized location

Burst the crackers at a centralized location


 It is recommended to have a green Diwali and reduce the number of firecrackers as much as you can. But if you are bursting crackers this Diwali, try to restrict the location. Burst the crackers in a centralized open location. This will ensure that the animals hiding in corners are not disturbed. The whole community may come together and burst the crackers together.

No loose electric wires

No loose electric wires

Crackers are not the only hazard to animals. There are many other aspects of Diwali that might harm them. One of the hazard beings loose electric wires. The loose hanging wires can lure the animals and they might touch them accidentally. The animals might also get entangled in them. There is a huge risk of electrocution. So, ensure the electric wires are not loosely hanging at places in or outside your home.

Collaborate with NGOs

Collaborate with NGOs


 The strays are at a greater risk of injury than the pets. If you come across any injured animal, immediately contact an NGO or any other government body that can provide help. So, keep a list of local NGOs ready along with their contacts. It will let you help the animals in an emergency. Volunteer with a shelter home for stray animals and help them with any emergencies.

Consult an Animal Doctor or Veterinarian

Consult an Animal Doctor or Veterinarian


If your pet is prone to anxiety, you can take the pet to a veterinarian before Diwali and get an anti-anxiety injection or pills. This will keep them calm during Diwali and the noise. To keep your dogs and cats stress-free and calm, try to use something to cover your pet’s ears.

Be Responsible

Be Responsible


Young boys and kids put the strays through many atrocities. DO NOT tease the strays by tying crackers to their tails or throwing lit crackers on them. If you see anyone doing such activities, STOP them. If there is any animal in the vicinity where you will be bursting crackers, let it move safely by gentle talk or coaxing before you start bursting crackers. They might run into traffic if they get startled, do take care of Animal Safety.


Aromatherapy for dogs

Aromatherapy might help your pets in this confused and startled state as they respond to aromatherapy just like humans do. Light some scented candles or diffuse essential oils in the room where you are staying with your pet. This will help them calm down.
You can also use an air-purifier to eliminate the pollutants, an important aspect towards Animal Safety.

Keep Them Company And Shut the Windows

Keep Them Company And Shut the Windowsthesun.co.uk

With the guests flowing in and out of your house, do not ignore your pets. Do not lock them in another room alone. This will make them insecure and all the more confused. Make them a part of your gathering and they will be calmer.

Keep your pets indoors and turn on the TV or play soothing music inside. This will keep them distracted from the noise outside. Do not leave the doors and windows ajar. Shut it and draw the curtain to mask the sounds and the flashes of the fireworks.

If they are showing fearful behavior and hiding under a bed or someplace they feel safe, let them be. Do not force them to come out or try to comfort them as this might reinforce the behavior. Act normally and reward them with treats when they are calm.

Keep Them Company And Shut the Windows


The strays might get scared and hide under the cars, so be careful while driving off. Those who have indoor parking can open their doors for the strays and provide them with a safe place to be in.

Your pet may flee due to the anxiety and fear, therefore, make your pet wear a name tag with your phone number so that they can be brought back. The same goes for the strays you might be feeding in your area. They might flee away and get lost. So, make them name tags to ensure proper Animal Safety.

No Toxic Colors for Animals

No Toxic Colors for Animals


celebrate a Green Diwali and don’t use chemical colours in your Rangoli and keep in mind Animal Safety issues. Your pets might get excited and roll over them. The colours are dangerous and toxic for them if they come in contact with the colours or consume them. There are many Rangoli designs you can make with flowers or spices and pulses.

Be Sensitive And Compassionate. 

Wish you a Happy and Safe Diwali!

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