10 Must-Dos In Your ” The Twenties”| 10Tips

University? Check.
Dream job? Check.
In your twenties? Check.
Slaying? Umm.
Do you think that is what all the struggle was all about? Being in your twenties sounds fun, but, before you get comfortable in the glory of your achievements, think again. It seems too good to be true. This glory won’t last forever, it is only time before you again start revving up for your next big adventure. But this is what you do till then, in your twenties.

Bring out ‘em piggy banks

twenties | save money | investment

In your twenties, binge drinking and reckless partying may sound cool but it does burn those holes that you dread in your pockets. You promise yourself not to be a spendthrift, but those promises are never kept. NEVER. Therefore, learn better, because being poor is never in fashion!

Start saving in your twenties, for a better future when you still are in the prime of your adulthood because you will thank yourself later. Make wise investments that bring returns, pay off your debts incurred from housing loans, education loans, etc., save a fixed part of your disposable income every month, and DO NOT BE FRIVOLOUS while doing that!

Health is Wealth

twenties | healthy | lifestyle

Hopefully, you are not battling arthritis already in your twenties. Take care of your body and health. Studies show that our body starts wearing down faster after the age of 30, therefore, start soon. Of course, you cannot avoid ageing and age-related problems but you can stop it from accelerating and hitting you hard in your thirties.

After all, your body is the only place you will live in forever. Put down that cigarette, cut down on the alcohol, eat healthier and catch up on your forty winks regularly. As a result, if you see yourself catching more than just a few glimpses of yourself in the mirror and smiling, thank yourself.

Value Those Who Truly Matter

twenties | cherish people | value people

Value, love and cherish the people who are part of your inner circle. These are the people who are going to probably be the ones by your side, during your pot-bellied middle-age life crisis or when you are all gnarled, old and wobbly. Agreed, life is a tad bit too busy during the twenties, but spend time with people who matter. Appreciate their presence and nourish the bond you share with them. Money, name, and fame can probably come back, but not good people. Do not lose out on a gem while busy picking up rocks.

Learn and Embrace the Art of Saying “NO”

adult | say no | believe in yourself

We have all been guilty of this one. Being young adults in your twenties is already hard enough, and it is that time when you desperately try being the nicest version of yourself irrespective. You just cannot say “NO”, and, it is a habit. A habit, that must be changed.

Saying “NO” from time to time is especially important when it threatens your inner peace, your values, and principles, your respect or puts you in an uncomfortable situation. Say “NO” when you need to. It does not make you a bad person if you say “NO” to safeguard your interests and respect, rightfully.

Being adults, it is extremely important to have a hold and control over your own life and saying “NO” when you need to is one of the ways to exercise that control. Make your own choices based on what you think is right and wrong. Make your own decisions, at your discretion, based on your own opinions.

Stay away from Toxicity

adult | young | toxic

In your teens and twenties, you meet tons of crappy people. Crappy people are called “crappy” for a reason. And, there should not be space for crap in your life. Stay away from people who bring you down. They are not worth your time and effort. Instead of enriching your life, they just drain you of the energy you need. Anything that unnecessarily brings negativity in your life deserves an EXIT.

Do not let anybody treat you less than the absolute LIT SHIZZ you are. Cut off ties with the pessimism and the drama, because they have handed you the scissors. Trashy people belong in the trash. Let them be there.

Take Risks

young | take risks

Do all that you want in your twenties. Take risks, it is important. Live the life you want to live and not what someone else wants you to live. Step out of your comfort zone. Aim for what you have always wanted. Break free from the shackles of fear and go out and claim the world.

The twenties is not the time to “settle down”. It is time to slay and build the world around you, that you have wanted to live in. Do not compromise or settle for anything less than you deserve.

Focus on Self Development

Self Development

In your twenties, it is very easy to be caught up in the everyday highs and lows of life and probably ignore the most important person in this journey, YOU. Focus on your self-development. Be committed to constantly bettering yourself. Set goals for yourself and work hard towards achieving them. The struggle will be worth it.

Commit to spending some time every day reflecting on your personal growth and development. Do things for yourself. Do things that bring peace, joy, and harmony to you and make you reach your goals and be the person you envision yourself to be.

Be Mindful

calm mind | thoughtful | mindfulness

In your twenties, it is very easy to get carried away sometimes. Be mindful of your words and actions. Take responsibility. As a young adult, freshly rolled out into the world, you hold more power than you think you do and it is in your control how to exercise it responsibly.

Be thoughtful and be kind. Learn to regulate your emotions and be the master of your circumstances instead of being a victim of them.

Love Yourself

self love | love yourself

Give yourself the love that you so freely give others. Give yourself the chances you deserve. The twenties are the time when everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes are nothing but pillars to success. Learn from your mistakes but also forgive yourself. Allow yourself to feel the love, above all.

Being harsh on yourself does nothing good for you. It only increases the levels of toxicity in your life. Do not sweat the small stuff and ask yourself if those matters of little value will bother you even just five years down the line.


breathe | relax

Just like everyone else in their twenties, you too do not know what you are doing. It is perfectly alright because that is the way it is supposed to be. Things that hurt you now, maybe the things you’d consider silly ten years later. Things that seem important now may not matter after ten years. And, that is okay. That is called growth. Besides, the twenties are about stretching your wings and enjoying the flight, and even if you fall a few times, believe in yourself. Things will get better.

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You are amazing, anyway. Give yourself the break that you deserve. Smile at yourself and applaud yourself now and then. After all, you are your best friend.

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