10 Best Ways to Reduce Anger | 10 Tips

What happens when you hear the word anger? A flash of the color red immediately comes to my mind. There are lots of ways in how people deal with their problems and frustrations. There are a lot of reasons that make an angry person. Whatever those reasons are, once a person is aware of the potential harm that anger causes, they immediately want to put an end to this. Anger is an emotion that has to be felt every once in a while. Suppressing it might lead to further damage. Yet do not let this emotion overrule your other emotions and sense of reasoning. Keep your anger in check with these 10 Best Ways to Reduce Anger.

1. Take a break!

take a break

In order to reduce the impact of your anger, take a break before frustration takes over you in the form of anger. Take short breaks during stressful times of the day. Take some time off to be better prepared for what’s ahead. What has to be done has to be done anyway. Might as well do it without irritation.

2. Take a deep breath and peace

Take a deep breath and peace

This helps! When angry, take a deep breath before shooting your bullets of mean and hurtful words. People tend to say a lot of hurtful things in the heat of the moment. The guilt trip begins when the anger subsides. Taking a breath allows you to release some tension and buys you more time to compose yourself.  Once you’re done collecting your thoughts, express your frustration and grief in a nonconfrontational manner.

3. Look for solutions to your anger

Look for solutions to your anger

Things are easier said than done. But not much is attained by cribbing and complaining and pondering over what made you mad. Try looking for the next best possible step. If someone is driving you crazy, confront the person in a composed and civilized manner. Talk things out. If a situation is driving you nuts, then look for ways to change it or positions where you can place yourself if you do not have much control over the situation. Anger only makes things worse.

4. Do-nut judge too often

Do-nut judge too often

It is necessary to uphold a standard but that standard does not necessarily apply to every situation. Try and look at things the way they are. If it is morally wrong or harming even a soul, raise the issue and talk about it. If it irritates you because it is simply not in alignment with your way of doing things then step back introspect.

5. Let bygones be bygones

Let bygones be bygones

Even 8-year-olds know better than holding grudges for we see them together again the next day, no matter how intense the fight gets. Holding grudges only leads to mental agitation as you get wallowed in your own bitterness. Be strong enough to forgive and let go. Do not let the past determine your present. Do you feel the negative vibes leaving your body already?

6. Chant a Mantra 

Chant a Mantra

As crazy as this might sound, but finding a word or a mantra that helps you relax is 100% effective and makes you feel calmer. Chant a word/mantra that brings you comfort when upset. Again and again. This lets you find an outlet for the frustration and helps the mind to relax.

7. The invention of PJs

The invention of PJs, humor

Many a time, we tend to grow really mean and bitter when angry. Learn to adopt humor as an outlet or way to release tension and feel light. Inculcate good thoughts, learn to stay positive and happy. Who doesn’t like being funny? Duhhh!

8. Think critically

Think critically

Often in fights, we tend to focus on the hows of reactions than the whys. Trying to look for answers before the causal problem has been detected gives birth to more distress. The word how itself leads to wonders when it comes to human reactions. That can be well understood if one tries to get hold of the situation in which the other person is. Or rather, what led him to react that way and then sort out things accordingly. The solution lies in the problem, not the reaction.

9. Channelize your anger

Channelize your anger

Use your anger to create things, not destroy them. Channel your anger towards tangible production. Be it painting, cooking, boxing or any other hobby that you mind find interesting. Emotions are said to be a powerful driving force in creative individuals. Use yours to nourish your well being and reduce your anger.

10. If you want more love( in the form of help ), why don’t you say so?

if you want more love

High time people get over the taboo of seeking help when in need. When it comes to the mind, it is often believed that the mind is under the person’s control, but isn’t it vice versa? So, it is okay to seek help if your anger gets out of control. And takes control over you sometimes. Do not be afraid or hesitate to seek help, be it professional or personal. Talk to a friend or visit a counselor. Chances are you will end up feeling 100% lighter.

Found these tips useful? 10 Tips To Become Mentally Stronger will help you to get a better hold over your emotions.

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