10 Tips For Parents To Reduce Teenage Suicide Rates | 10Tips

Budding children blooming into teenagers pose an exceptional challenge for parents or guardians to understand their emotions. When do their normal highs and lows of adolescence become worrisome? As a parent, it is indeed important to identify the factors that could easily trigger adolescents to engage in self-harming behaviours or engage in thoughts related to Suicide. Below listed are ten ways that could probably nip a tragedy from occurring in the bud.

Cure the Depression & Calm the Anxiety

depression | Reduce Teenage Suicide Rates | 10Tips

A low grade, a bad day at or an oh-so-common mood swing maybe merely just passing high or low for teenagers but not so if the sadness continues for weeks and weeks.

Depression- The silent killer, may often force adolescents to retire into their shells and possibly, not even want to seek help when they need it the most. Opening up to others’ may be frowned upon by them, especially by young boys who view “a show of emotions” nothing less than a twisted drama or worse still, effeminate behavior.

Sometimes, instead of expecting your children to come to you and speak their heart out, grab a hot cuppa and arm yourself with a warm hug and reach out to them! You never know that conversation may save you a bitter heartache forever.

Listening Extends Beyond Hearing

teenager speak

Of course, it indeed is much easier when your teenager decides to speak out their worries but, as a parent, learn to listen to your teen even when they aren’t expressing themselves in words. Learn to pick up on non-verbal cues and body language too.

A major loss (whether emotional or not), certain chronic medical conditions, bullying, public shaming, peer pressure and substance use are some factors that put teenagers at the high risk of suicide ideation.

If your gut feeling tells you, that your child may indeed be on the path you so dread, make sure, you’re there for your child always. Precaution is always better than a cure, and sadly suicide has no cures.

Threats Can Be More Than Just Threats

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“Nobody cares.”, “I am a burden.”, “I want to die.”, “Things would be better without me.”, and other similar statements that directly or subtly hint at self-harm or suicidal tendencies, are indeed red flags signalling for help. It is highly advisable not to ignore such signals lest some harm may befall.

Turning a deaf hear to such pleas of help may just make your teenager feel unwanted and uncared for. A toxic pile of such feelings could make your teenager buckle under its weight and submit into self-harming behaviour.

Encourage and Stress on The Importance of Mental Health To Prevent Suicide

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As a parent it is your duty and responsibility towards your teenager to educate them about the importance of mental health. Rather than stigmatising mental health issues, foster a healthy environment that harbours safety, security and acceptance for your teenager.

Do not take suicide threats and attempts lightly and term it as a mere “phase”, hoping that your budding teenager will “grow out of it”. Encourage them to seek professional mental health care as and when required. Create a supportive environment and DO NOT share about their mental health issues unless they are openly comfortable about it.

Be a Role Model

Be a Role Model

Being a staunch pessimist yourself, you cannot expect your child to be any better. After all the fruit does not fall far away from the tree. Be positive in your attitude, your actions and choice of words. Engage in positive affirmations and teach them to do the same. Suicide contagion is a real thing, beware of your action. Take failures as part of the learning curve, and encourage your teenager to do the same. Practice whatever you preach. Teaching by example is after all the best style of teaching!

Gift A Healthy Environment To Prevent Thoughts Related To Suicide

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Encourage your teen to spend time with his or her friends. Give them their space and allow them to nurture their interests. Be a friend, instead of being a draconian parent. Be accommodating and empathize with them and speak to them freely. Make them feel involved and treat them with respect. Of course, from time to time, there will be disagreements. Be considerate. Disagreements are not an excuse for disrespect.

Do Not Set Unrealistic Expectations

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Accept your teen for who they are. They do not need to be a miniature shadow of you. They are special and talented in their own way. Do not try fulfilling your unfulfilled dreams through them nor should you be trying to make them see the world through your eyes. Respect their individuality and embrace it with open and warm arms. Allow them to believe in their own dreams and give them autonomy over their decisions without having the tight, suffocating grip of being a controlling parent.

Unconditional Positive Regard To Prevent Thoughts Related To Suicide

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Have positive feelings for your teen no matter what the situation maybe. Sometimes your teen’s actions will not be in alignment with your expectations and that is perfectly okay. Guide them with love, care and sensitivity where guidance and leadership are required. Do not be judgmental and treat them with respect. Treat them like you would want to be treated. Give them the space to realize and ponder over their actions instead of forcing your opinions on them.

Spend More Time Together To Prevent Thoughts Related to Suicide

Reduce Teenage Suicide Rates | 10Tips

Spend time with your teen. Many teens complain that they feel lonely and that do not have any support system and “Nobody Cares”. Spend quality time with your teen and talk to them about their life. Take active interest in knowing them, learning about their ideas and opinions and their life.

Some ideas like playing a sport together whether indoor or outdoor, or getting into your aprons together, or shorts vacations together once in a while could really boost your relationship with your teen and show them that you care.

Do Not Give Up!

Do Not Give Up!

Yes, it indeed is difficult knowing that your child wants to end their own life. Help him or her and do not quit. Your teenager needs you more than ever. Be the solid rock they can bank on. Be there for your teen. No matter how hard the situation is, believe in them and be patient with them. Every cloud has a silver lining, always.

The journey from being a cute little baby to a confused adolescent to a confident adult is not one without bumps. Be supportive, loving and non-judgemental. Your teen will be thankful to you later.

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