How To Become Mentally Strong | 10 Tips

Ever wondered how to be mentally strong? How you can train your mind to become stronger so that you can breeze through anything that life throws at you? It’s pretty much the same way you get physically stronger. Follow ‘The Principle of Progressive Overload’’. You can’t go to the gym, deadlift 50 Kilograms, 5 reps a week, and expect to lift 100 kilograms for 5 reps the next week. Similarly, you can’t expect to just wake up one day and be mentally at your strongest. You have to build your mental strength slowly over time. Take a look at our list of10 Tips on How To Become Mentally Strong.

“We are all capable of infinitely more than we believe.” – David Blaine

If you try to do everything at once, you will burn out quickly and quit EVERY single time. So, apply these strategies slowly. Challenge yourself to get 1% better daily. After a year, you’ll be 365% stronger than the last year. 

1. Let Go

butterflies flying away from an open canister
Tips To Become Mentally Stronger

This one of the most important points on our list of tips on how to be mentally strong. To become the strongest version of yourself, you have to let go of the things that chain you down and cage you up. Mentally strong people have mastered the art of forgiving and forgetting. Resentment has done no good to anyone, ever. 

2. Focus On The Moment

focus lens

There might be a hundred things running in your mind while you are doing a particular task. This is a sign of a weak mind. You have to learn to live in the present, focus on the very task you have in hand. That is also the Zen philosophy of the Orient.

3. Accept

woman's hands

A must on our list of 10 Tips on How to Become Mentally Strong. Accept yourself and the situations that are out of your control. Try not to Waste Energy on things you can’t control. Mentally strong persons never complain about traffic jams or bad weather. They understand that the only thing they can control is their attitude.

4. Take Calculated Risks

man balancing on a chair

 Taking Risks is extremely important for success. Mentally weak persons run away from taking any kind of risk. Instead, what you can do is strategize and take calculated risks that are rational and will increase your confidence over time.

5. Take A Break From Social Media

woman sitting on a hilltop

Taking a break from Facebook and Instagram can change your life 180 degrees. Set a plan for your day and use time wisely on the internet. People post the highlight reel of their lives online and we do not get to see the behind-the-scenes. Try deleting the social media applications from your phone for a month and you’ll be amazed to see the results! 

6. Meditate

man meditating on mountaintop

Meditation is one of the BEST things you can do to build your mental toughness. Start small with only 2-3 minutes a day and keep adding 1 minute each week. Over time, you will not only be mentally stronger but also less stressed, and calmer.

7. Eat Clean

fresh fruits on a plate

Millennials often ignore the old saying, “You are what you eat.”  Your mind needs nourishment and not just that slice of pizza. While it is okay to treat yourself once in a while, making a habit of eating unhealthy is not only detrimental to your body but also your mind.

8. Wake Up Early

woman jogging at sunrise

 “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” This old rhyme that we know from our childhood gives us the secret to a strong mind. Waking up early and exercising or doing any self-improvement activity builds up resilience and trains your mind.

9. Go Through Hell Week

army drill

US Navy SEAL training program has an event of hell week which is exactly how it sounds. It includes 7 days of almost no sleep, constant physical exercise, and psychological warfare. The majority of people quit. But those who sustain and survive know that they can do ANYTHING if they can go through this.  Challenge yourself to create your own Hell Week having events where you complete mentally challenging tasks daily. Your boat will find the shore only after fighting the waves!!

10. Gratitude Journal

gratitude journal

Oprah Winfrey has said that she has been keeping a gratitude journal for years now. The advantage? It changes your perspective of life. By being grateful and optimistic, you are training your mind to see the positives in the bad times as well. Write 3 things you are grateful for every day. You will see a drastic change in how you view life. Reading the book 31 Days of Gratitude will also help you to grow mentally.

I hope you found the 10 Tips on How To Become Mentally Strong useful.  Last but not least, never ever give up on yourself! You fail a hundred times before succeeding once. Like cells, failure is the building block of life. So never worry about how to be mentally strong, just implement the suggestions provided above and succeed.

Also read: Best ways to reduce anger

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